The Big Move

7 Jun

We are almost on our way. The house is starting to fill up with boxes. Seven stacks of paper have been thrown out of the church office. And the U-Haul is reserved.

We are loading our house on Saturday (2011-06-11), enjoying a Sabbath rest on Sunday, and starting our three-day journey to Orlando on Monday. It is hard to believe the time is almost here to leave.

Core Prayer Team ::

We are seeking 30 families and individuals who would be willing to join us as our core prayer team in the years to come. If you would like to be a part of this team, please send me an email ( and let me know. You will receive periodic email updates with specific prayer requests for this core prayer team.

Resources regarding our future life and ministry.

Prayer Needs ::

  • Obviously strength and wisdom in packing! This is an excellent opportunity for Sandy and I to re-envision our home and the direction of our family.
  • Safety in our travels next week.
  • Most importantly, it has been clear to Sandy and I that the last few weeks have been difficult for our kids. Not so much because we are leaving. They have had wonderful opportunities in recent weeks to spend a very great deal of time with their friends. What we have noticed is that they are craving time with their Mom and Dad. When we arrive in Florida we will spend the remainder of that week unpacking and organizing our home, but the week after we are going to take the entire week to simply be with our kids and each other before beginning this new season of ministry. Pray that Elijah, Titus, Solomon, and Eliana will enjoy these last days in Wisconsin and that we will have a special time together in two weeks to simply be a family together.

Thank all of you so very much for the many means of kindness and encouragement that we have received in recent weeks.

The Lord Bless You & Keep You.

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