Viera. This will require faith
7 Nov
When we arrived in Wisconsin a few weeks ago Titus said,
“Why is it that we drive three days to Wisconsin and we miss our friends in Florida. Then we drive back to Florida and we miss our friends in Wisconsin.”
Truly absence makes the heart grow fonder. And we are truly fond of all of you who have come alongside of our family in so many ways.
When we were in Sheboygan County, WI, we had the opportunity to share how God has worked to give us both prayers answered and prayers to pray in recent months. Here is a summary of what we shared.
Prayers Answered ::
- CLOSURE :: Friends and Ministry in Sheboygan Falls – We were so thankful for the way that we were able to wrap up our ministry in Sheboygan County. God blessed us with such a sense of sending.
- RHYTHM & LIFE :: Growing roots in Central Florida – God’s provision for this request is best seen in Titus’ quote above.
- OPPORTUNITY AND MINISTRY :: Friends and Neighbors – Hopefully you have seen these things being answered in these newsletters. From beginning a community group to having neighbors over for ice-cream or cookies we have had more opportunities for gospel ministry than we have known what do do with.
- PROVISION :: Man does not live by bread alone – Not only has God provided for our every physical need He has more importantly given us a real peace in every moment that we are solidly in the center of His will.
Prayers Requested ::
- LOCATION :: More on this in a minute, but this has been one of our top two requests. We are thrilled to see how God has been moving to show us where He desires to use our family to plant His church.
- PROVISION :: God has provided and He will provide. The money that God used to get us to Florida is almost gone. We sent out a letter to over 200 of our friends around the country. We are praying for 25 partners to invest $100 per month as we move into 2012. Please consider how God might use you to be a part of the answer to this prayer.
A note to our financial partners.
If you contribute via the mail through First Reformed Church (not only online) it would be helpful if you would download and include the following form each time you contribute :: Partner Contribution Form
Viera. This will require “faith”.
This has been a four year long prayer request for our family. It started with faith, and now it has ended in faith. LITERALLY! The location that we are taking steps toward is called Viera, which is Slovak (the language of the founders) for “faith”.
What caught my attention the most is that Viera is a community that I believe God has been preparing to become launchpad of a movement of church planting in Brevard County. Brevard is a huge and diverse county that needs many gospel-centered churches to bear witness to the truth of God in the face of Christ.
Here are a few bits of demographics that have captured my heart and vision for Viera.
HOUSEHOLDS AND FAMILIES :: 87% of residents in Viera are in family households. Most of these are single income families just beginning their families in single family homes.
GROWING :: 16,000 new residents in the next ten years. How many of these 16,000 souls will never connect with the fellowship of believers and not celebrate the glories of God in the face of Christ?
SHARING THE GOSPEL WITH THOSE WHO AREN’T EVEN HERE YET :: If we bent our mission toward those who are new to the community over the next 10 years the field of mission would truly be expansive. So many who come to Viera will be in transition in their lives, their homes, and their families. This provides a great season in which to engage these households with the gospel.
If you are interested in more information about Viera you can visit So much has happened in the past two weeks. I have met so many people and so many doors have been opened to the vision that God has given my family. Look for a lot more information about what God is up to in the very near future!
- Pray for our funding :: We need to see donations begin to arrive by the beginning of 2012 in order to move forward toward Viera.
- Leaders :: God has already connected me to some excellent leaders in Viera. Pray that we will have clear discernment for what part God would have us play in His mission in Viera and Brevard County.
- Connections :: I am spending one day a week in Viera. Pray that I am able to make connections in the community.
- Orlando :: God has continued to open doors for ministry at CrossPointe Church and out of our home in Orlando. Pray that we will see the gospel’s power at work in the lives of our friends and neighbors.
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