Getting Our Feet (not) Wet

2 May

You have heard it before :: For Joshua and the people of Israel to cross the Jordan they had to take that first step.

This is very true and instructive. But I have also seen many people with this in their mind step off into disastrous decisions. Often this has also caused the people who watched things fall apart to question the goodness and faithfulness of God.

The problem is that we get things backwards. Let us not miss the fact that God is the first one to act in the crossing of the Jordon, not the person taking the step. God first instructed Joshua and the Levites and the people to cross the Jordan. Then, and only then, did they take their step of faith.

God distinctly placed a burden for church planting deep in the hearts of Sandy and I. Even before that we can look back and see the way that He was preparing Sandy’s heart, our family’s habits, and my vision for this season of life. But up to this point we have not clearly had a direction in which to step.

Early on in this season of discernment God gave me a prayer for a partner, a people, a place, and provision prepared by a movement of the Holy Spirit. Along the way we have felt that when God brings these things into place that it will be our time to “step into the waters” and see God work in ways that will unmistakably bring Him and Him alone glory.

Sandy and I had a little meeting on Saturday night. The result of that time of reflection and prayer together is the distinct sense that God has answered this prayer. We don’t know many details and we don’t have a move date set, but we do know the direction of our steps.

So what does that mean?

  • We are moving to Florida. That is the first step.

  • I am going to apprentice at CrossPointe Church ( in Orlando under Chan Kilgore. That is the second step.

  • … hmmm … we don’t know what the third step is.

But that’s the cool thing. Who would have thought the Israelites would get to see waters pile up a second time after the Red Sea. Whatever the third step is it has been prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

So, anyway, we just thought that you should know that we’re crossing the Jordan and so far not even our feet have gotten wet.

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